New management

National Business Furniture

More than 49,000 business buyers have purchased from the National Business Furniture catalog or Website during the past 12 months. Customers spent an average of $750 an order.

Cost: $115/M

Selects: SCF, state, zip, gender, SIC, number of employees, sales volume, six-month buyers, three-month buyers

Contact: MeritDirect, 914-368-1031 or

Yankee magazine

Dedicated to “the best of New England,” Yankee magazine has more than 266,000 active subscribers. Readers have an average age of 50 and an average household income of $75,000.

Cost: $95/M; catalog rate, $70/M

Selects: SCF, state, zip, gender, paid, source, six-month subscribers, three-month subscribers, one-month subscribers

Contact: Direct Media, 203-532-2438 or

New management

Tucker Electronics

Nearly 87,000 engineers, quality assurance managers, and other technical professionals have purchased new and refurbished test and measurement equipment from cataloger Tucker Electronics. Customers spend an average of $1,500 an order.

Cost: $125/M

Selects: SCF, state, zip, Canadian buyers, international buyers

Contact: Lake Group Media, 914-925-2400 or

Action Pursuit Games Magazine

The self-described “world’s leading magazine of paintball sports,” Action Pursuit Games has more than 21,000 active subscribers, who pay an average of $33 for a one-year subscription.

Cost: $105/M

Selects: SCF, state, zip

Contact: Statlistics, 203-778-8700 or

New management

Taylor Gifts/Get Organized Masterfile

During the past 12 months more than 354,000 consumers have purchased gifts, and home products from the Taylor Gifts and Get Organized catalogs. These buyers, more than two-thirds of whom are women, have an average income of $40,000.

Cost: $110/M

Selects: state, SCF, zip, gender, product, single buyers, multibuyers, dollar amount, credit card, six-month buyers, three-month buyers, one-month buyers

Contact: RMI Direct, 203-798-0448 or


A marketer of fragrances and personal-care products, Caswell-Massey has nearly 64,000 12-month direct buyers. Customers, who spend an average of $65 an order, have an average income of more than $75,000.

Cost: $110/M

Selects: state, SCF, zip, gender, dollar amount, men’s product buyers, six-month buyers, three-month buyers

Contact: MokrynskiDirect, 201-487-8181 ext. 627 or

Business Finance Magazine

Nearly 50,000 senior-level executives in a broad array of industries subscribe to Business Finance. Eighty-five percent of the subscribers are male.

Cost: $175/M; nonfinancial mailers, $125/M

Selects: state, SCF, zip, sales volume, business/industry, job function/title

Contact: MeritDirect, 847-492-1350 ext. 18 or

Money-Making Biz

During the past three months more than 43,000 consumers have spent $149 on a package to help them start making money in real estate. These buyers, 70% of whom are male, responded to direct mail or space ads.

Cost: $90/M

Selects: state, SCF, zip+4, gender

Contact: Macromark, 845-230-6300 or

New Management

PERFORMANCE BICYCLE This file, consisting of 66% men and 22% women, has more than 260,000 buyers from the Performance Bicycle catalog. Buyers spend an average of $90 per transaction, are an average age of 39, and have found the catalog through direct mail or space ads. The annual household income of these buyers is more than $85,000.

Cost: $85/M

Selects: multibuyers, product buyers, dollar amount, apparel buyers, zip, state/ SCF/gender

Contact: List Service Corp., 203-743-2600

New Management

APPLESEED’S Millard Group will now manage the list, package insert, and catalog blow-in programs for women’s apparel cataloger Appleseed’s. The list consists of more than 350,000 women buyers over the age of 55 who spend an average of $100 an order. The catalog also offers 750,000 packages and 12 million catalog blow-ins. Cost: list, $95/M; package, $55/M; blow-in, $35/M Selects: recency, credit card, product, dollar amount, state/SCF/zip Contact: Millard Group, 603-924-9262

TRAVELSMITH Luggage and travel accessories cataloger TravelSmith has awarded management of its list to Millard Group. This file consists of 400,000 buyers, most of them ages 45 and over, with an average household income of $90,000. Most of the buyers are women. Cost: $115/M Selects: recency, credit card, dollar amount, gender, SCF, state, zip Contact: Millard Group, 603-924-9262

CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS The names of more than 120,000 right-wing Christians, with an average age of 55 and an average income of $41,000, are available for rent. This list, titled Conservative Christian Donors from the Lone Star State, is now managed by Midwest Direct Marketing. Cost: $85/M Selects: state, SCF, zip, age, income, credit card, phone, e-mail Contact: Midwest Direct Marketing, 913-686-2220

AMERICAN CHEMICAL NAMES Edith Roman Associates now manages the list from the American Chemical Society. Seventy percent of the 121,000 members hold a Ph.D. and have made purchases through the American Chemical Society. Cost: $120/M Selects: education, business address, job function, gender, specialty interest Contact: Edith Roman Associates, 800-223-2194