Wayside Technology Group: Cutting Costs Where It Can

While many merchants have had to cut staff to get through the recession, Wayside Technology Group has not. But the Shrewsbury, NJ-based distributor of software for engineers and other computer professionals is looking for ways to cut costs. Director of operations Joseph Cauvin spoke with MULTICHANNEL MERCHANT’s Jim Tierney about the economy’s effect on the company’s operations and fulfillment.

Q: Since the economy has impacted almost all businesses, how has the operations and fulfillment department at Wayside Technology Group been affected?

A: We are more aggressively seeking deals on product purchases. Also with any expense related to the purchasing cycle, we are trying to decrease cost.

Q: Is your staff smaller now than it was a year ago?

A: No, staff has not been impacted. We have always been “mean and lean.” We will continue to watch this area closely. We have put a salary freeze on for 2009 in these operations areas: purchasing, customer service, product marketing and sales support.

Q: What adjustments to the daily work schedule have been made?

A: None yet, but this will be reviewed monthly.

Q: Has seasonal help been affected?

A: Not yet, but we could see an impact in the second or third quarter.

Q: In what other ways has the poor economy affected your operations department?

A: We are trying to cut freight cost, product cost and operating expenses. We are eliminating or reducing as many areas as we can.