We received an awesome promotional product this summer — a mullet wig, courtesy of font management and digital asset management software developer Extensis.
What does a mullet wig have to do with fonts? The company says its Extensis Suitcase Fusion 3 and WebINK “will show you how ‘business in the front and party in the back’ makes the perfect blend in quality software.” Yeah, it’s a reach, but so what: We have a mullet wig again! (Our previous mullet wig got trashed at a costume party. That wig was actually longer and more lustrous, but we won’t look a gift mullet in the mouth.)
What does one do with a mullet wig? Extensis gave us some ideas when it talked about “donning your creative mullet” and “sharing your mulletude” in the accompanying press material. It might be good for brainstorming, or to have the “mullet of truth” in meetings. Even if you don’t plan to use it in a professional capacity, it’s a good thing to have on hand. Mullet wigs are like men in drag: They’re just funny.
So — well done, Extensis, and way to build suspense by sending a Styrofoam wig stand a week earlier. (The wig stand had a sticker on the face that read “Coming soon to this location from Extensis.”) We would have been happy with just a new wig stand.