Same-day Delivery Means a Focus on Brick-and-Mortar

| Erin Lynch

When it comes to getting into the realm of same-day shipping it’s not about building a warehouse in every state or waiting to see what Amazon does. According to Shutl CEO and founder Tom Allason, it’s all about focusing on your brick-and-mortar store.

How Same-day Fulfillment Works

| Tim Parry

Same-day fulfillment continues to capture the attention of retailers, whether direct delivery to the customer or in-store pickup. Unlike a few months ago, retailers now have more same-day options to evaluate and test, including both in-house and outsourced approaches.


USPS Looking into Possible Postage Increase

| Erin Lynch

The United States Postal Service will soon “look into” raising the postage rate for various types of mail commonly used by consumers and businesses that mail periodicals, magazines, newspapers and marketing material.

Donahoe Lays Out the Future of the USPS

| Daniela Forte

Post Master General and CEO Patrick Donahoe of the U.S. Postal Service painted a grim picture during his State of the USPS presentation to attendees at the American Catalog Mailers Association’s 2013 National Catalog Forum