Brave New Supermarket

| Jeff Morris

THE LAST TIME I SAW something called a Future Store, it was an A&P that had been renovated into what was supposed to be a prototype for A&Ps to come though

Productivity Measures

| MCM staff

RICHARD A. ANDREWSPresident, The key in measuring productivity is determining what should be measured. For fulfillment processes

Another Roadside Attraction

| MCM staff

Once upon a time, in the early sixties of the last century, a young fighter pilot named Sam Cutting III came home to Vermont from the U.S. Air Force and

Virtual Realpolitik

| Jeff Morris

For all the talk about the importance of the Internet in this year’s elections, there’s been precious little research on just how much influence the Web

Opinion and Response

| MCM staff

The Lion Takes a Bite Regarding Herschell Gordon Lewis’s piece entitled Catalog Copy: Sticking My Head into the Lion’s Mouth Again (January issue), I

Clocking Output

| MCM staff

THE KEY TO IMPROVING distribution center productivity is to trim the too much time spent on each step, excess shipping charges, and redundant processes

Over There, Over Where

| Sherry Chiger

President Bush and I visited London during the same week in November. But whereas he was greeted by protesters irate over the U.S.’s entry into Iraq,

Give and Take

| Ron Hounsell

Like so many issues in the logistics and distribution industry, many small improvements to gain flexibility are often the best path to the greatest benefit.