Keeping Your Circulation Healthy

| Jim Coogan

Are your Web buyers or your catalog requesters dragging down your response rates? Many catalogers face a problem of the flood of Web buyers, in that the number of buyers is going up but response to house buyer file mailings is going down.


| MCM staff

The Y Catalog The desire to bring awareness to the notion of seva, or the spirit of service, inspired the launch of the Y Catalog of yoga products in

Cuddling Up to Comailing

| Jim Tierney

Like most everyone else, catalog companies are always looking for ways to cut costs. And now, with the pending postal rate increase, there’s a greater

New life for Lillian

| Jim Tierney

In the vast ninth-floor conference room at the White Plains, NY, headquarters of Lillian Vernon Corp., president/CEO Michael Muoio is on the edge of his

Booking the book buyers

| Sherry Chiger

Maybe it’s due to the growing popularity of music downloads. Or maybe it’s because category killers such as and continue to gobble up

S&S helping curb kid obesity

| Mark Del Franco

There’s no question that childhood obesity is a growing problem in the U.S.: According to a 2003 study for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), every