Google’s Paid Clicks Rise, Average CPC Drops

| Tim Parry

The number of paid clicks is way up, but the cost-per-click is down, according to the third-quarter financial report released last week by Google. Why has the cost-per-click dropped, and what does this mean for merchants as the fourth-quarter kicks into high gear? Here’s what three industry experts told Multichannel Merchant.

How to Determine Your Customers Want Live Chat

| Pascal van Opzeeland

To help you decide whether you should invest time and money in exploring the benefits of live chat, Userlike has researched for what type of websites live chat is most beneficial. To do this, Userlike has conducted a questionnaire among 100 ecommerce websites that use live chat.

Meet the 2012 MCM Awards Judges

| Erin Lynch

Geoff Batrouney Geoff is the executive vice president, of Estee Marketing Group, a company that specializes in List Management, List Brokerage, campaign/donor analyses, Insert Media Management and Brokerage covering all aspects of …

5 SMS Trends for Retailers

| Jim Tierney

Retailers are moving swiftly from implementation to integration, incorporating mobile programs into their larger CRM (Customer Relationship Management) initiatives. Here are five SMS trends for retailers to follow.