Study: Women Prefer Direct Mail to E-mail Ads

| MCM staff

Direct mail is read by 32% more women ages 25-44 than e-mail advertising, according to the Customer Focus 2007 Direct Mail study conducted by Baltimore-based marketing services provider Vertis Communications

Web Shopping: Do You Know What Really Ticks People Off?

| Mark Lee

If you’re like most online retailers, you’re never 100% satisfied with your Website. We click through competitors’ sites, exultant where we find we have an edge, wincing on the discovery of a cool feature the other guys have.

Recapturing Lost Online Customers

| Arthur Sweetser

E-mail marketers are under constant pressure to cut through the noise and increase the performance of their campaigns. But when an online customer is unreachable because they changed their e-mail address, stopped reading e-mails or their messages are being filtered, a marketer

Montgomery Ward Launches Spanish-Language Site

| Jim Tierney

Chicago-based Direct Marketing Services Inc. (DMSI), the multititle mailer that acquired Montgomery Ward out of bankruptcy in June 2004, has launched a Spanish-language version of the Montgomery Ward Website

Lessons from the Online Holiday Season Past

| MCM staff

If you waited until Thanksgiving to begin promoting your holiday offerings online, you waited about a month too long. According to a study from Oneupweb based on data from more than a million consumers, the online holiday shopping season started in October.