Retail Payment Trends: What to Expect in 2016

| André Malinowski

The payments landscape is changing fast –and much of this fast-paced change is being driven by today’s digitally empowered consumers, whose expectations have been transformed by the smartphone and the services these supply. Which means that more than ever before, consumers expect payments to be fast, convenient and hassle-free.

Adopting New Payment Technology For Your Business

| Alon Feit

Over the last several years, the introduction of new payment solutions has risen dramatically, yet consumers are ultimately reliant on retailers actually implementing these new solutions at the point of sale to enjoy the benefits these technologies provide.

Week in Review: Macy’s Downfall Sends an Omnichannel Message

| MCM Staff

Despite all the doom and gloom news that came out of Macy’s, Inc. on Jan. 6, chairman and CEO Terry Lundgren said its omnichannel investments are paying off.

It’s hard to argue against that: In November and December, the company filled nearly 17 million online orders at and

But Macy’s really has the same problem other omnichannel retailers are experiencing. They are sacrificing store-level salespeople at the expense of technology, and not finding a happy medium to make the omnichannel experience a positive one.

Sales From Smartphones up 53%, but Online Retailers Struggle to Find Growth

| Tim Parry

Maybe the year of mobile commerce FINALLY arrived. Retailers said sales from smartphones grew 53% year-over-year, according to the State of Retailing Online 2016, conducted by, Forrester Research, and Bizrate Insights. But there’s a catch: despite increased investments in mobile technology, more ecommerce retailers said they are struggling to find growth.

ecommerce fraud, ecommerce fraud prevention, EMV, card not present, CNP, card not present fraud

2016: The Year of Consumer-Centric Fraud Prevention

| Bill Zielke

It’s been a busy year for e-commerce. The convenience and choice available with online shopping continues to win more buyers, and this year for the first time the National Retail Federation reported that on Thanksgiving weekend, more people shopped online than in stores.

Omnichannel, omnichannel fulfillment, omnichannel retail, omnichannel operations, ecommerce, retail ecommerce, Amazon,

In the Midst of Mobile Madness, Cross-Channel Strategies Remain Crucial

| Mike Sands

To meet the expectations of cross-channel customers, retailers must pursue a people-based marketing strategy that will help them reach shoppers in the right place, at the right time, with the right message. This, of course, is no small task. Customer recognition and real-time engagement across channels are major challenges facing retailers today. So where does a retailer begin? Mobile App Surpasses 2 Million Downloads

| MCM Staff

Wayfair’s mobile shopping activity points to an upward trend in mobile traffic with the majority of traffic to Wayfair occurring on phones and tablets. Phone traffic has been sharply on the rise throughout 2015 as consumers have been switching from PCs and tablets to the phone.