Who’s in Charge of Ecommerce Technology?

| Ryan Donovan

Brick-and-mortar retail companies are evolving into ecommerce technology companies by introducing new tools to interact with consumers or developing platforms to streamline internal operations.

Holiday Selling Tips: Creating the One-On-One Experience

| Ken Burke

Until recently, merchants could succeed during the holiday season with a one-size-fits-all approach. But merchants can succeed at one-to-one selling during the holiday season by putting systems in place now to deliver personalized messages at opportune junctures on the path to purchase.

Week In Review: REI Says No to Black Friday

| MCM Staff

Instead of shopping on Black Friday, outdoor clothing and equipment retailer REI wants its customers to #OptOutside. Won’t REI lose a lot of money? Probably not, and here’s why. Also, here’s a look at the news, commentary and events that shaped the direct-to-customer world last week.

Week in Review: Sears Goes Back to the Future

| MCM Staff

Sears has introduced “Meet With An Expert,” this free service that improves the home appliance shopping experience by connecting online shoppers with knowledgeable associates in store. It seems fitting that Sears made this announcement on October 21, 2015, which was “Back to the Future Day.”