Full Infographic
INFOGRAPHIC: Using Big Data to Improve Contact Center Operations
While big data might seem like it generally falls into the silo of the marketing department, more and more merchants are finding out that not only is it just as beneficial in the contact center, but it could also give you an edge against your competitors.
INFOGRPAHIC How to Maximize Returns Efficiencies and Minimize Cost
As more and more merchants focus their ecommerce energy into creating a customer-centric organization, one of the best ways to set yourself apart from the competition is through your returns policy. Regardless of why a consumer returns a good (defective merchandise, unwanted gifts, or order error), there are ways for merchants to develop an effective and efficient returns process that keeps customers coming back for more.
INFOGRAPHIC: How Amazon Stole Christmas
With Christmas right around the corner, shoppers are making a mad dash to ensure all their holiday shopping is complete and shipped before next week. And while ecommerce merchants are pulling out all the stops to try to grab shopper’s attention and dollars, many, if not all, are finding it tough to compete with Amazon.
INFOGRAPHIC: How Ad Extensions Can Spice Up Your Marketing Experience
As much as merchants would like to think that every customer is coming to the ecommerce page organically, more often than not, a search engine or ad are the reasons why they are shopping with you. Which is all the more reason why now, more than ever, it is imperative for merchants to have the perfect ad extension this holiday season. In this infographic from Kenshoo, merchants will begin to understand the importance of expanding paid search efforts and opting-in to ad extensions to capture relevant searches.
INFOGRAPHIC: Retailers Need to Step Up Their Shipping Game this Holiday
With nearly 50% of Americans abandoning their shopping carts due to high shipping costs, it’s imperative for merchants to focus on managing delivery fees in order to ensure a happy customer this holiday season. In this infographic from Pitney Bowes, you will walk away with a few quick tips that can help you keep a happy customer and a secured sale during the most competitive time of the year.