A Tale of Two Databases: Marketing and Operational

| MCM staff

In keeping with the move toward multichannel marketing, many catalogers are converting their house files into customer marketing databases, says Arthur Middleton Hughes, vice president/solutions architect for Richardson, TX-based database marketing firm KnowledgeBase Marketing. Some are using advanced techniques to increase customer response, retention, and cross-sells. In return they are seeing increased rates of retention and increased order sizes.

Seven Tips for Cost-Effective Prospecting

| MCM staff

It’s one of the core tenets of direct marketing: You can’t grow if you don’t prospect. At the very least, you need to compensate for the natural attrition rate associated with just about every business. But prospecting above your house file attrition rate can be expensive.

A Clean B-to-B Database Reaps Almost Instant ROI

| MCM staff

Building and maintaining your business-to-business house file can be daunting, says Bernie Goldberg, president of Yardley, PA-based Direct Marketing Publishers. The problem is often compounded by the use of different databases throughout the business. These multiple databases frequently have no common link, making it all but impossible to exchange information among departments.

Annual Net Income Increases 50% at Jos. A. Bank

| MCM staff

Hampstead, MD-based cataloger/retailer Jos. A. Bank Clothiers (Nasdaq NM:JOSB) said annual net income increased 50% to $24.5 million for the year ended Jan. 29, compared with $16.3 million in net income last year.

The latest matchback tools

| Mark Del Franco

By now most multichannel merchants know about matchbacks and the importance of understanding where online and retail buyers are coming from rather than

Setting Your Priorities

| MCM staff

List priorities in the merge/purge are a standard topic of debate among database pros, says Scarsdale, NY-based database consultant Michael Grant. Do I put all lists into the merge/purge at an equal priority, or do I give a higher priority to one group of lists, since those lists are my core lists?

Integrate for Improved Prospecting

| MCM staff

So many media, so little time (and money): That seems to be the mantra of multichannel marketers. In deciding which media will provide the greatest return on investment,

Polish Your Data Dictionary Part 2

| MCM staff

Last week Brent Bissell, president of Minneapolis-based consultancy Direct Target One, kicked off a two-part series on the importance of data best practices. Here he concludes his series.

During the course of the interviews I conducted to collect the information for this article, a number of people echoed the same theme: There has been a mass exodus of workers who really know lists and data hygiene protocols, not to mention the upper-level analytic techniques and the skills to know what to use under which conditions. When it comes to basic direct marketing data knowledge, as one interviewee put it,