| Shannon Oberndorf

Proof of the power of versioning: When Sara Lee Direct wanted to increase orders from the segment of its house file that had bought plus-size apparel

Pickers picking up signals

| Mark Del Franco

When the pickers in Foster & Gallagher’s Peoria, IL, distribution center appear to be hearing voices, it’s normal – not paranormal. Many of F&G’s pickers

POSTAL: USPS May File Rate Case

| Paul Miller

Catalogers could find themselves paying 7%-8% more in postage by the end of next year. Rumors have been trickling out of U.S. Postal Service headquarters

Picking up the pace

| Mark Del Franco

Getting orders out the door faster is a primary goal of many catalog operations. Streamlining your order picking process can help you achieve that goal.According

Playboy adds Spice

| Mark Del Franco

Playboy Enterprises’ $100 million acquisition of the Spice adult pay-per-view service in March, a year after the deal was first announced, has made the

Polishing lackluster lists

| Moira Pascale

Has your mailing list failed to generate much rental income lately? If so, several list industry experts have suggestions for adding value and generating

Planning ahead

| Moira Pascale

Carrie Van Dyck is co-owner of Herb Farm, a Fall City, WA-based catalog of herbs and related products. Annual sales, $2 million; annual circulation, 270,000.We

Pottery Barn kids around

| Paul Miller

Housewares and home decor cataloger/retailer Williams-Sonoma doesn’t break out sales of its five divisions: Pottery Barn, Gardener’s Eden, Chambers, Hold


| Moira Pascale

On March 5, the day that its assets were put on the block for bankruptcy liquidation, the upscale cataloger/retailer J. Peterman Co. finally found a buyer.