Operations BENCHMARK’99

| MCM staff

Welcome to the 1999 Catalog Age Benchmark Report on Operations, the third in a series of exclusive surveys produced this year by the staff of Catalog

A look at legislation…

| MCM staff

Now that the impeachment trial is over, Congress is back in business. Legislation regarding the Internet, privacy, and outbound telemarketing has catalogers

The missing link?

| MCM staff

Although most catalogers on the Internet claim to be transactional, several industry professionals believe that more than 90% of Internet marketers do

A new Internet Language

| Shannon Oberndorf

How many times have we heard that this technology or that technology will revolutionize e-commerce? Well, get ready for the next big thing: Extensible

Back-end Web developments

| Matthew Cohn

With the Internet now picking up steam as a viable sales channel for catalogers, electronic commerce systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated on

A fulfilling opportunity

| Mark Del Franco

As the Internet becomes an increasingly viable sales channel, catalogers such as Fingerhut, Hanover Direct, and Stark Bros. have begun providing back-end