Most Online Holiday Promos Will Start by Halloween

| Jim Tierney

Nearly 62% of online merchants will start their holiday promotions by Halloween, up from nearly 53% last year, according to’s eHoliday survey conducted by BIGinsight. Many of those promotions will center on free shipping and online offers. This article also looks at holiday surveys conducted by Bronto and Litle & Co.

How to Determine Your Customers Want Live Chat

| Pascal van Opzeeland

To help you decide whether you should invest time and money in exploring the benefits of live chat, Userlike has researched for what type of websites live chat is most beneficial. To do this, Userlike has conducted a questionnaire among 100 ecommerce websites that use live chat.

5 Tips for Dealing with Post-holiday Returns

| MCM staff

Most retailers see an uptake in RTV the week after Christmas through mid-February. While there may not be time to make major changes to your operation before the inbound starts to arrive, there is time to implement the following practices so that your distribution center greets returns and exchanges with increased efficiency and exceptional customer service. Here are five tips for dealing with your post-holiday returns.

USPS to Test Same-Day Delivery in San Francisco

| Jim Tierney

The U.S. Postal Service doesn’t want to be left out in the cold when it comes to same-day delivery. The USPS plans to test the waters of same-day delivery service when it launches a one-year market test next month in San Francisco.

Retailers Need to Understand International Shipping

| Erin Lynch

Even though several U.S.-based retailers are getting into shipping products internationally, in order to see an increase in revenue, retailers need to stay up-to-speed on the marketing, shipping protocols, and what their customers want.