The Case for Voice-Driven Tech in the DC

| Scott Yetter

Warehouses are experiencing remarkable increases in productivity by taking paper and RF scanners out the hands of their workers and giving them headsets with microphones instead. These distribution centers have learned that voice-driven logistics technology really works, even in the noisiest, harshest environments.

Survey: Peak Times Strain Labor Strategies

| MCM staff

A majority of executives feel that their temporary-labor strategies could improved, according to a recent Supply Chain Consortium survey of 100 top retail/wholesale and consumer goods companies.

Put-away Best Practices

| Kate Vitasek

Put-away is the process of moving material from the dock and transporting it to a storage, replenishment, or pick area. Best-practice companies manage the put-away area by calculating resource and space requirements based on expected receipts and current backlogs.

Call Evaluations Help Lillian Vernon Get its Upsell Program Down Pat

| MCM staff

For several years contact center agents at cataloger Lillian Vernon spent a portion of every phone call offering promotions or upsells to customers. Some of these offers were for Lillian Vernon products or services, but periodically Lillian Vernon partnered with a third party and offered that company

The Case for a Hosted Contact Center System

| MCM staff

Hosted contact center systems have gained popularity as a more flexible, cost-effective choice than premise-based hardware systems. Comparing the two options, however, is often akin to comparing apples to arugula.

Protecting Your Company with VoIP Call Recording

| Sid Rao

Recent technology advancements have greatly improved the quality of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP). In the past, using an Internet service to implement a type of voice telephone service was a poor substitute for traditional voice telephone service. The quality of VoIP was very unreliable, and the connection between two or more callers was difficult. VoIP was primarily a niche service used by companies seeking an inexpensive means for overseas calling.