The Case for Employment Testing in the Contact Center

| Doug Walner

According to a survey released in April by Philadelphia-based career-consulting firm Right Management, replacing a bad hire can cost as much as five times the employee’s salary. Yet many hiring managers have neither the training nor the time to adequately interview job applicants. As a result, bad hires are made, followed by high turnover and escalating costs for the company involved. That can cripple any business. But employment testing can improve your bottom line.

Eight Steps for Conquering Holiday Scheduling Dilemmas

| Bob Webb

With the holidays right around the corner, are you prepared for last-minute changes that are sure to occur with agent scheduling? This is a problem that all contact centers face during holidays, and the ramifications can be significant. If staffing is just 2% below where it should be, the percentage of calls answered within 30 seconds, or any other established performance objective, will typically drop by 10%. If 10% of the seats are vacant, half of the center

Live from ECMOD: Prospecting The U.K. Way

| Sherry Chiger

London–Although it was moderated by an American, one of the two opening sessions at the European Catalogue and Mail Order Days conference here offered a primer of sorts to multichannel marketing in the U.K.