The Shape of Parcel Efficiency

| MCM staff

If the sweeping changes of the pending postal rate case could be summed up in one sentence, it would be this: How much you pay for postage depends on

Softening the Blow

| MCM staff

No matter how much you read about the expected postal rate changes, if you’re like most other mailers you’re still seeking the answer to one question:

A New Dimension in Packaging

| Mark Del Franco

The U.S. Postal Service’s proposed rate changes and new guidelines from just about every other major parcel carrier mean that no matter what type of product

Close to home

| MCM staff

Fewer and fewer shippers are overlooking the regional carriers, and the number of such companies is growing as a result.

5 Steps to Shape-Based Postage Compliance

| Bob Makofsky

You’ve probably heard that the U.S. Postal Service has filed to raise rates again in May 2007. But the proposed rates follow a more complex pricing structure than the flat 5.4% increase implemented last January. For the first time, the rate structure will rely on shape, as well as weight.