How Instagram and Twitter Can Affect Your Brand Engagement

| Erin Lynch

When it comes to brand engagement, which is better Instagram or Twitter? In a February report by Simply Measured, it has been declared a toss-up depending on which social media platform you decide to use. According to this infographic from DNA, Instagram photos that are shared by brands on Twitter decrease engagement while brand activity on Facebook and Instagram increase engagement. What does that mean for retailers? It might be time to adjust your photo sharing strategy.

Exciting Retail Possibilities with Facebook Graph Search

| Ben Straley

In the coming months, Facebook plans to make Graph Search more widely available. So what are the implications for retailers? It means that retail customers will soon have a powerful tool to discover the products and stores online or near them that are liked by their friends and friends-of-friends. Here are three specific things retailers can do right now, which are in accordance with best search marketing and social media practices.

Social ROI is All About Strategy, Sharing and Data

| Todd Parsons

Ten thousand Facebook fans are not translating into 10,000 eager customers. And 50,000 Twitter followers don’t necessarily mean a ready supply of buyers. The hard truth is that most retailers haven’t a clue about the bottom-line impact of social marketing. Meanwhile, efforts to acquire fans and followers aren’t getting any cheaper.

How B2B Merchants Use Social Media

| MCM staff

We know the potential of social media to drive brand awareness, but are B2B merchants using social media to drive demand generation as well? This infographic from Eloqua digs deep into how B2B merchants use social media to promote, engage and sell.