Wal-Mart Shows Us How to Grill

| Erin Lynch

What better way to spend the summer than outside grilling up some juicy steaks? To coincide with a recent television marketing campaign promoting it’s steaks, Wal-Mart took to Twitter today to show the world exactly how to create the perfect grill marks.

Swimming in the Rain with REI

| Erin Lynch

Outdoor gear and apparel company REI posted this really great picture from a National Geographic photo contest on it’s Twitter feed this afternoon. Not only is this picture amazing, but it’s a great way for REI to capture the attention of its client base, who is generally outdoor driven.

Rue La La: Call Me, Maybe

| Erin Lynch

Rue La La took to Twitter this morning to spread the word about its Instagram site by using the lyrics to the No. 1 song in America right now, “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepson. This will definitely grab shoppers’ attention.

Speedo Helps Swimmers Master the Hardest Stroke

| Erin Lynch

The butterfly is one of the most difficult swimming strokes to get right. So the aquatics giant, Speedo, created this cool video showing followers exactly how to master the stroke. We thought this was a great tweet that not only promoted Speedo products but also a sure fire way to keep its customers engaged.

Hey! We’re on Instagram!

| MCM staff

Office Depot is getting on board with Instagram. Will they make new taplet computers look like Underwood Noiseless typewriters? Stay tuned!

It’s Nap Time at Men’s Warehouse

| MCM staff

Let’s face it, Wednesday is the sluggish day of the work week. Which is exactly why we picked Men’s Warehouse for today’s Tweet of the Day.It’s time to embrace the importance of an effective power nap.

GapKids Give Back

| MCM staff

Gap asks GapKids and babyGap fall 2012 campaign includes winners of Gap’s 6th annual Casting Call, wearing the Jewel Box Skinnies for girls and the Action Stretch Denim for boys, while painting a mural at the Daniel Webster Middle School in Los Angeles.

@PegasusLighting Fact Piques our Curiosity

| Tim Parry

Sometimes the best tweets are not about a special purchase, but tie into a special event. This tweet from Pegasus Lighting piqued our “Curiosity” hours after NASA’s rover landed on Mars.