Live from Deliverability Bootcamp: 90% of E-mail Is Spam
Chicago–Spam accounts for 90% of all e-mail traffic, said panelists at the E-mail Sender and Provider Coalition’s Deliverability Bootcamp on Tuesday.
Chicago–Spam accounts for 90% of all e-mail traffic, said panelists at the E-mail Sender and Provider Coalition’s Deliverability Bootcamp on Tuesday.
Chicago–An unacceptably high number of consumer complaints is often the top metric e-mail inbox providers use to determine whether to block incoming e-mail, according to panelists at the E-mail Sender and Provider Coalition’s Deliverability Bootcamp on Tuesday.
By now most marketers know, and should be using, the commonly accepted protocols for obtaining permission from prospects and customers to send them commercial e-mail.
The kids
An average of 20.5% of permission-based e-mails in the second half of 2005 either ended up in recipients
What should you be measuring in your e-mail acquisition and retention campaigns? Click rates? Open rates? Revenue per e-mail? E-mail metrics have been
As the cost of search engine marketing continues to rise, merchants are increasingly eyeing friends-and-family e-mail programs, in which customers receive
Richard Gingras says he suddenly knows what it feels like to be a politician or a celebrity. The cofounder/CEO of Goodmail Systems says he’s only trying
After an initial outcry over AOL