Automated Packaging Systems Opens New Facility

To handle increased demand for its Autobag and AirPouch materials, Automated Packaging Systems has expanded its manufacturing operations.

The packaging systems supplier has opened a 72,000 sq. ft.-manufacturing, distribution and office facility in Keyser, WV, to produce mailbags and void-fill air pillow packing materials. Production will be divided between the company’s Autobag OF3 mailbag materials, made of co-extruded films for the mail order fulfillment market, and AirPouch void-fill packing materials, made of polyethylene for protective packaging applications.

According to a company release, the emphasis on eco-friendly packaging materials was a driving force behind the growth of both these product lines. New durable mailbags are experiencing a growth in demand because they can reduce the cost of shipping products when compared to traditional cardboard boxes. Bag packaging reduces postage costs, uses less fossil fuel, produces less CO2 emissions, requires less storage space, and yields less solid waste than most other forms of packaging.

The AirPouch void-fill packing materials were recently introduced with new EarthAware biodegradable and recycled materials, making them a popular option for air pillow protective packing applications. In addition to being more eco-friendly, the company says these new air pillows lower storage costs, lower shipping costs and cleaner packing vs. traditional EPS peanuts and kraft paper.

The new Keyser facility has advanced production, shipping and warehousing capabilities that will help Automated Packaging Systems meet the growing demand for its products and services. The company has installed new converting equipment with advanced technology functionality for accuracy, throughput and reliability.

“Automated Packaging Systems extrudes, converts and sells its own bag film materials and systems,” said Tim Braithwaite, vice president of plastics operations, “which gives us a unique advantage to maximize quality controls and streamline operating efficiencies. This new state-of-the-art facility will allow us to have a more comprehensive inventory of bag and pillow materials in stock for faster delivery to our customers.”