Parcel Delivery Jobs Slashed in February, But Overall Trend is Up

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Parcel delivery companies saw some post-peak falloff, eliminating 9,700 positions in February even as jobs grew in other sectors while hiring overall cooled, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, the Wall Street Journal reported.

This was the largest drop in the parcel delivery sector since January 2017. Overall though the hiring trend has been positive, with 53,100 carrier jobs added in the past 12 months, including 14,500 in January, according to the report. In total 20,000 U.S. non-farm jobs were added to February payrolls, far fewer than expected, DOL reported.

UPS hired 100,000 seasonal employees for this past peak holiday season, while FedEx said it planned to take on 55,000 temporary workers to handle the crush.

In another corner of the operations and fulfillment world, warehouse operators added 3,900 jobs in January, according to WSJ and the DOL figures. Ecommerce demand, with consistent annual growth around 15%, remains a major driver in both parcel delivery and warehouse hiring.

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