Bergdorf Goodman Goes International with Borderfree

| MCM Staff

Luxury retailer Bergdorf Goodman announced that it has partnered with Borderfree to open its website and sell to international shoppers with BFX, Borderfree’s new global ecommerce platform for retailers.

Ace Hardware Rolls Out Same-Day Delivery Test

| Mike O'Brien

Ace Hardware has begun a same-day delivery pilot via its own associates at 33 stores in Florida, Illinois, Colorado, Maryland, Texas and Arizona.

Mobile Commerce Matters More Than Ever

| Tim Parry

If there is one major lesson merchants learned during the 2014 holiday season, it’s that mobile mattered more than ever. Mobile commerce went from being a necessary evil to an overnight game-changer. And the merchants that got on board with mobile commerce reaped the benefits of the iOS and Android-armed shoppers.

Walmart to Raise In-Store Pay

| Daniela Forte

Walmart announced that in-store employees will have the opportunities to get pay raises based on performance. See what this will means for employees.

MCM Thursday 2-26-15

| Chris Intili

Chief Direct Marketer View Web Version MCM THURSDAY News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant February 26, 2015 Cool New Technology Showcased at eTail West Sure, there were things like … Continue Reading →

Redefining Omnichannel: Put the Consumer at the Center

| Chip Overstreet

What consumers not only want, but have come to expect, is a consistent, relevant and personalized experience across every channel in which they engage with a retailer. Here are three tips that retailers should keep in mind when they go into their next omnichannel strategy session.