5 Ways Sabon Brought Boutique Appeal to Their Ecommerce Platform

| Himanshu Sareen

The internet is a bastion of customer convenience, but it demands more effort from retailers who want to give customers a profound and memorable experience. See how Sabon made this possible with their ecommerce platform.

Mapping the Mobile Millennial this Holiday Season

| Daniela Forte

It will be no surprise that millennials will be on their smartphone this holiday season, but how they intersect mobile and in-store generates some surprising results, see what they are here.

Leveraging Big Data Via One-on-One Videos

| Deirdre Mills

Brands can provide truly personalized customer experiences and achieve their acquisition and retention goals by combining big data with online video, the most engaging digital medium.

Big Data a Big Omnichannel Driver

| Daniela Forte

Big data provides retailers in today’s omnichannel world an inside look at how they can improve both their websites and in-store experiences for customers. See which data will be able to help your business.

Consumer Concerns of Online Security Impact Smaller Businesses

| Matt Winn

With a majority of media attention has focused on mega-retailers like Target, small businesses are still looking to find ways to calm customer fears as they enter the biggest selling months of the year. See what small businesses are doing to keep their customers protected.

How to Use Paid Social Media to Increase Holiday Sales

| Ellen Jantsch

The holiday shopping season is upon us and many retailers hoping to reach shoppers online will put paid social media at the center of their marketing efforts this season. Here’s how you can create the right message at the right time and yield the right increase in sales.

How to Connect With Nordic Customers

| Maureen Gleeson, Oban Digital

The Nordic countries – Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Finland – are an attractive group of markets for international ecommerce businesses for a number of reasons. With more than 15 million consumers online in the Nordic region, we discuss the factors you should be aware of when entering the ecommerce market in the Nordics.

MCM Thursday 11-20-14

| Chris Intili

Chief Direct Marketer View Web Version MCM THURSDAY News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant November 20, 2014 Small Businesses Face Big Challenges this Holiday Season With more and more … Continue Reading →