Retailers Should Embrace Showrooming

| Charles Nicholls

Retailers should not fear the showrooming customer. Shoppers who use mobile devices for showrooming are actually almost twice as likely to purchase from the same retailer in-store or online than buy elsewhere.

MCM Thursday January 9, 2014

| Chris Intili

View Web Version MCM THURSDAY News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant January 08 , 2014   SUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBE Amazon Delivers the Top Mobile Customer Experience 7 Tips for Messaging … Continue Reading →

3 Steps to Winning the Mobile Consumer

| Mark Tack

Retailers intuitively know mobile is a game changer, but they don’t always understand best practices or how to implement them. Here are three actions retailers can take to win the mobile consumer beyond the holiday season.

6 Fearless Predictions for 2014

| Tim Parry

An earlier holiday season, a big global push and more a big year for the United States Postal Service. These are just a few of Multichannel Merchant senior content manager Tim Parry’s fearless predictions for 2014.

10 Things Your Ecommerce Site Must Do In 2014

| Iman Sadreddin

Just as shoppers are shaking off their post-holiday cobwebs and vowing to stick with their New Year’s resolutions this year, retailers must also resolve to continue to stay fresh and innovative because that is what shoppers expect. Don’t let your website become stale. Here are 10 capabilities your ecommerce site must be able to do in 2014.

Omnichannel Retailers Stand to Win or Lose at Every Touch Point

| Bharath Gowda

Today we wouldn’t dream of buying that goat until we polled our Facebook friends about where they got their goats and how much they paid, scoured the web for goat merchant reviews, did some in-store showrooming and bar code scanning to see if we could get a better price at a goat place down the street, and maybe used an augmented reality app to see how different goats would look grazing in our back yard.

Multichannel Merchant’s Best of 2013

| Tim Parry

2013 was a big year for ecommerce, omnichannel commerce, multichannel commerce, etc. And on the following pages, I bring you the 30 most-popular pieces of content viewed on Multichannel Merchant’s website in 2013.

These Merchants Have the Best Return Policies

| Tim Parry

No matter how much thought goes into a gift, however, sometimes shoppers miss the target — which is why something as dry as a store’s return policy can be the redeeming factor when it comes to unwanted gifts.

Cozy Up To Customers with Mobile Analytics

| Len Shneyeder

As consumers tap and swipe at the portable screens that command so much of their attention, they leave data fingerprints that reveal their wants and needs. Action analytics helps marketers read these data trails to better understand their customers and, ultimately, give them the best possible mobile experience.