Motosport Sees Website Personalization Success

| MCM Staff

Certona helped MotoSport expedite real-time product data and inventory transfer, increasing site performance and providing a more personalized experience.

Creating a Winning Omnichannel Experience

| MCM Staff

How do you deliver a seamless omnichannel experience and avoid margin erosion? In this new video from Multichannel Merchant, Radial executive John Byrde provides insights and tips that can help you achieve both.

Shoppers Expected to Increase Holiday Spending This Year

| Daniela Forte

Holiday spending is expected to increase this year in the U.S. with 44% of consumers planning to spend more than last year. See what else a new study from Accenture found about shopper attitudes and preferences heading into the holiday season.

MCM Week in Review 10-14-16

| Chris Intili

Multichannel Merchant The News, Commentary & Events that Shaped Commerce This Week week of 10/14/2016 Silver Star Brands Had Issues on after Acquisition Walmart’ acquisition of wasn’t … Continue Reading →

Is Virtual Reality the Next Ecommerce Frontier?

| Daniela Forte

Virtual reality is making its way into ecommerce, but the question remains whether it is a “nice to have” or a “need to have” for consumer engagement? Read how several merchants are embracing virtual reality as a way to engage with consumers.

3 Lessons to Learn from Product Data Scoring

| Brian Roloff and Regan DeHaven

It’s important for merchants to use data scoring, a process that makes sure critical product data is populated across all channels and is optimized for the customer’s experience. Here are three lessons you can learn about product data scoring and how it can help your business.

Inventory Visibility: The Real Omnichannel Challenge

| Mike O'Brien

Omnichannel has become a standard practice in retail, but how well are companies achieving inventory visibility across channels that is so critical to its success?
In this infographic from Stitch Labs, see where the gaps are between omnichannel vision and reality, and what steps can be taken to see improvements.

5 Essential Practices for Ecommerce Distribution Center Fulfillment

| Eric Lamphier

There are 5 essential practices for the digital economy that can help merchants ensure a successful ecommerce distribution center operation. These operating principles in fulfillment, operations and labor management will help mitigate the risks created by expanding ecommerce and omnichannel business.