Food Merchants Cut Shipping Costs Without Cutting Corners

| Daniela Forte

For direct-to-customer food merchants, the cost to ship merchandise can be rather steep. And when you add in factors such as package weight and spoilage risks, customer incentives such as free shipping is nearly impossible.

O+F Advisor May 29, 2013

| MCM Staff

View Web Version O+F Advisor Operations & Fulfillment Strategies & Tactics May 28, 2013   Social Media Use Expected to Rise in Contact Centers How Do 3PF Costs Compare to … Continue Reading →

O+F Advisor May 22, 2013

| MCM Staff

View Web Version O+F Advisor Operations & Fulfillment Strategies & Tactics May 21, 2013   Shoppers Prefer Sites with Live Chat Implementing the Right Shipping Strategy Getting Social with Customer … Continue Reading →

Catalogers Weigh in on Marketplace Fairness Act

| Daniela Forte

A group of catalogers and suppliers met with Congressional staff on Capitol Hill on Tuesday to discuss their concerns with the Marketplace Fairness Act which passed in the Senate on May 6.

MCM Thursday May 9, 2013

| MCM Staff

View Web Version MCM THURSDAY News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant May 08 , 2013   Which Ecommerce Platform is Right for You? Make Mom Happy in 3 Seconds … Continue Reading →

Senate Approves Internet Sales Tax

| Erin Lynch

The Senate has approved the long-anticipated internet sales tax proposal, which would require shoppers to pay sales tax for most of their online purchases, and it has earned mix reviews from retailers across the country.

O+F Advisor May 8, 2013

| MCM Staff

View Web Version O+F Advisor Operations & Fulfillment Strategies & Tactics May 07, 2013   Free Shipping for First Timers How the Perfect Checkout Page Can Deter Cart Abandonment Ship-from-Store … Continue Reading →

Best Buy to Sell its Stake in Europe

| Erin Lynch

Best Buy has entered into an agreement to sell 50% of its interest in Best Buy Europe, according to a statement issued by the electronics retailer, back to Carphone Warehouse.

MCM Tuesday May 7, 2013

| MCM Staff

View Web Version MCM TUESDAY News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant May 07 , 2013   Best Buy to Sell its Stake in Europe Consumers Stretch Their Budgets This … Continue Reading →