Mobile Website Performance: 6 Tips for the Holidays

| Bharath Gowda

Consumers stress over slow-loading mobile commerce sites – 20% of those surveyed prefer being stuck in a traffic jam to waiting for a site to load. So how do retailers ensure optimal mobile website performance during the most wonderful – and busy – time of the year? Here are six tips.

Video Puts a Human Face on Customer Service

| Dr. Melody King

Many online retailers are discovering the role video can play in enhancing their customer service program, while also helping reduce costs in this area. Here are five ways you can incorporate video into your website to strengthen your customer service, and avoid having small issues flare up into major PR and social media nightmares.

MCM Tuesday December 24, 2013

| Chris Intili

View Web Version MCM TUESDAY News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant December 24, 2013   SUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBE How Amazon Stole Christmas Jos. A. Bank Rejects Men’s Wearhouse Acquisition Bid … Continue Reading →

IBM Predicts an Omnichannel Shopping World

| Tim Parry

In five years, new innovations will make buying local du jour once again, according to IBM’s 8th-annual IBM 5 in 5 list of innovations that have the potential to change the way people work, live and interact during the next five years. Here’s why IBM predicts the decline of ecommerce and the rebirth of the in-store shopping experience.

5 Mobile Strategies to Drive Retail Sales

| Anthony Nicalo

All kinds of merchants are doing a fantastic job on mobile. Look at the smartphone experience offered by Starbucks, or the way that Lululemon goes mobile first. Mobile represents a challenge, but it’s also a huge opportunity.

O+F Advisor December 18, 2013

| Chris Intili

View Web Version O+F Advisor Operations & Fulfillment Strategies & Tactics December 17, 2013   SUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBE Get a Glimpse into the Biggest Shipping Day of the Year at UPS … Continue Reading →

MCM Tuesday December 17, 2013

| Chris Intili

View Web Version MCM TUESDAY News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant December 16 , 2013   SUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBE Green Monday Jumps 10% to $1.4 Billion in Desktop Sales New … Continue Reading →

Omnichannel Crystal Ball: What’s Ahead in 2014?

| Jonathan Levitt

What will retail look like in 2014? Contributing writer Jonathan Levitt sees two major emerging trends occurring in the New Year: the rise of the ubiquitous shopper and wide-scale retail automation.