UPS Says Holiday Peak Volume Will Grow 10%

| Mike O'Brien

UPS expects holiday volume to grow 10%, as Q3 revenue dipped but profit grew through cost-cutting measures like expanded pickup locations, sort reductions.

MCM Global 10-30-15

| Chris Intili

Global Ecommerce %%PLUGIN_WEB VERSION:1859651-View Web Version%% October 30, 2015 Bill Blass Set to Launch Globally on November 2 Bill Blass will launch a global ecommerce, with plans to ship to … Continue Reading →

MCM Thursday 10-29-15

| Chris Intili

MCM Thursday %%PLUGIN_WEB VERSION:1859651-View Web Version%% MCM THURSDAY News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant October 29, 2015 Star Wars is Dominating Ecommerce Site Search This Halloween Don't be surprised … Continue Reading →

O+F Advisor 10-28-15

| Chris Intili

O+F Advisor %%PLUGIN_WEB VERSION:1859651-View Web Version%% O+F Advisor Operations & Fulfillment Strategies & Tactics October 28, 2015 FedEx Projecting 12.4% Growth in Holiday Volume FedEx is predicting a record 317 … Continue Reading →

MCM Tuesday 10-27-15

| Chris Intili

MCM Tuesday %%PLUGIN_WEB VERSION:1859651-View Web Version%% MCM TUESDAY News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant October 26 , 2015 Why Online Retailers are Unprepared for Fraud this Holiday Season A … Continue Reading →

Week in Review: Sears Goes Back to the Future

| MCM Staff

Sears has introduced “Meet With An Expert,” this free service that improves the home appliance shopping experience by connecting online shoppers with knowledgeable associates in store. It seems fitting that Sears made this announcement on October 21, 2015, which was “Back to the Future Day.”

India’s Ecommerce Market is Hotter than China’s

| Tim Parry

With its economy soaring and marketplaces showing big signs of success, it may be time to revisit selling cross-border into India. eBay reported a strong third-quarter showing in India, but may have a lot of catching up to do to beat native marketplaces Snapdeal and Flipkart.

MCM Global 10-23-15

| Chris Intili

Global Ecommerce %%PLUGIN_WEB VERSION:1859651-View Web Version%% October 23, 2015 Why Brazil is an Opportunity for Cross-Border Growth With a growing middle class and an increasing number of consumers buying online, … Continue Reading →

Alibaba Unveils Omnichannel Retailing Plans for Singles Day 2015

| MCM Staff

And now Singles Day is going omnichannel: Alibaba says more than 1,000 brands with 180,000 stores in 330 cities across China will synchronize online and offline resources to expand its 2015 11.11 Global Shopping Festival efforts. Here’s a look at what Alibaba hopes is an outline for omnichannel success.