MCM Thursday 8-6-15

| Chris Intili

MCM Thursday %%PLUGIN_WEB VERSION:1859651-View Web Version%% MCM THURSDAY News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant August 6, 2015 5 Ways Product Content is King, Helping You Win the Commerce War … Continue Reading →

Why Retailers are Slow to Go Omnichannel

| Tim Parry

Retailers throw out the term omnichannel like every merchant is offering their customers the ability to buy online and pick up in store. But truth be told,that’s a big part of the reason you’re seeing a slowdown of omnichannel roll-outs. Here’s why omnichannel tends to fail at the store level.

MCM O+F Advisor 8-5-15

| Chris Intili

O+F Advisor %%PLUGIN_WEB VERSION:1859651-View Web Version%% O+F Advisor Operations & Fulfillment Strategies & Tactics August 5, 2015 Understanding the 8 Stages of the Omnichannel Order Lifecycle To optimize operations and … Continue Reading →

3 Ways Brick-and-Mortar Stores Can Win at Webrooming

| James Smith

There is no stopping the rise of online shopping. The product options are endless, it’s simple, more convenient, often cost-efficient—and the list goes on. See what three ways bricks-and-mortar retailers can win at webrooming.

Week in Review: eBay Now Same-Day Service Grounded

| MCM Staff

eBay has pulled the plug on its eBay Now same-day delivery pilot programs, but is still exploring solutions that fit better with its 25 million sellers. Here’s a look at this weeks’ news, commentary and events that shaped the direct-to-customer world… and more.

Ecommerce Innovation Happening Around the World

| Mike O'Brien

Forrester analyst Zia Daniell Wigder told Growing Global attendees that ecommerce innovation is not just U.S.-based but distributed widely around the globe.

Building the Right Cross-Border Ecommerce Roadmap

| Tim Parry

Even if you are not trying to sell your inventory internationally, chance are, more than 10% of your ecommerce site traffic – and more than 7% of your ecommerce sales – is cross-border. Imagine how much higher those numbers would be if you put a cross-border ecommerce strategy in place?