Getting a read on operations

| MCM staff

Eric Cohen is the vice president of operations and merchandise planning for Delray Beach, FL-based Levenger, which describes itself as selling tools for

Now listen to this

| MCM staff

For the past three years Corporate Express, a $4.6 billion supplier of office products, has relied on voice-directed technology to drive its unit-picking

Four steps to internal benchmarking

| Kate Vitasek

Benchmarking is the process of drawing meaningful comparisons between a company’s performance and the performance of identified best practices. Internal

New life for Lillian

| Jim Tierney

In the vast ninth-floor conference room at the White Plains, NY, headquarters of Lillian Vernon Corp., president/CEO Michael Muoio is on the edge of his

Rethinking Signature’s style

| MCM staff

With its assortment of upscale, unique bathtubs and sinks, plus a wide array of hardware from doorknobs to hinges to switch plates, Signature Hardware

WERC Salary Survey: VP Logistics is Tops

| MCM staff

If you’re a vice president of logistics, chances are you’re walking around with a few more dollars in your pocket than your counterparts, at least according to 2006 Warehousing Sales and Wages guide from the Warehousing and Education Research Council.

Thinking of Relocating Your DC? Consider These 5 Factors

| Curt Barry

Is your distribution center cramped? Or do you think you might save substantially on your outbound shipping costs by moving into a DC? A warehouse relocation may be just the thing for you. But before you go breaking ground or signing lease papers there are factors worthy of consideration: inbound transportation costs; labor cost, availability and peak staffing needs; facilities costs; state and local government incentives; and risk evaluation to your business. Marketers must evaluate all these factors to see how they impact the total savings or costs for the potential move.

Show Me The Data: When Did You Last Talk To Your Customers?

| Bill Singleton

Some customer data systems have wonderful table structures listing accounts and the contacts that make them up: items, orders taken, and orders shipped. The wonderful table missing from some elaborate, enterprise resource planning systems is the one that will tell the company how many times they have contacted their customers since those customers

A look at Integrated Retail Systems

| Ernie Schell

As a major component of the multichannel world, retail operations are a prime candidate for integration with the direct (contact center and e-commerce)