Medical Arts Press, Urban Outfitters Relocate Jobs

| Mark Del Franco

Nearly three years after acquiring the Medical Arts Press family of catalogs, Framingham, MA-based Staples is relocating several business functions from Medical Arts


| Lawrence Dean Shemesh

BY LAWRENCE DEAN SHEMESH Did you ever wonder what makes one company successful and another fail? Two elements (in my opinion) are the root cause of all


| MCM staff

TODAY’S CONSUMER is beset with uncounted retail choices, many of them unpleasant. For the curmudgeonly shopper, namely me, significant acquisitions are

Critics’ Choice

| MCM staff

This year’s Order Management Software Review includes grades and ranks for each major software function from the vendors’ own perspective, giving you

Temporary Insanity

| MCM staff

MOST OF THE YEAR, life is pretty calm at Cherrydale Farms, an Allentown, PA-based manufacturer of private-label confections for retailers such as JC Penney,

Operation wholesale

| John Fischer

Selling goods to other catalogers or retailers can be big business, since a reseller is likely to buy a lot more from you than an individual consumer


| Sherry Chiger

Nowhere is the effect of the Internet on the industry clearer than when looking at how orders are received. The respondents to this year’s Catalog Age

Orion Telescopes acquired by Imaginova

| Margery Weinstein

New York-based Imaginova Corp., which sells products for amateur astronomers, hopes that, more than stars, it will be seeing increased sales following