Consumer Specialty Products

| MCM staff

Especially Yours,,,, Stewart-MacDonald: Consumer Specialty Products

Scary Christmas

| MCM staff

Typically By September merchants are getting frantic about being prepared for the all-important holiday season. Did we order enough inventory? Too much?

More Distress, But Fewer Deals

| Jim Tierney

Despite the Sluggish Economy, we reported 10 catalog-related deals in terms of mergers and acquisitions during the second quarter. But that’s half the

Contact Center Shared Staff Arrangements

| Penny Reynolds

Some catalog centers with a busy seasonal holiday pattern look to local businesses that may slow down in the fall. Some recruit workers directly with great success from businesses that have a summer peak. You can choose to try to reach these potential staff with wide and well-timed advertising, or you can elect to go directly to the source and work with those businesses directly.

July Sales Roundup: Different Month, Same Poor Results

| MCM staff

Different month, same poor financial results for the retailers tracked by Multichannel Merchant. Total July sales for apparel retailer Abercrombie & Fitch sank 22%, to $236.0 million, compared to $302.1 million in July 2008. Direct-to-consumer sales …

Sport Supply Group Acquires Har-Bell Assets

| MCM staff

Sport Supply Group has snapped up another one. Exactly a month after buying certain assets from Gus Doerner Sports, the sports equipment merchant marketer said Thursday it bought some team sports assets from Har-Bell Athletic Goods.

Who owns what

| MCM staff

Many of the MCM 100 are Multititle Mailers. Here’s a Guide to Who Owns What: 1-800-FLOWERS.COM includes, Ambrosia, Cheryl & Co., Fannie