Catalogers happy with back-to-school business

| MCM staff

A number of retailers have warned of sluggish back-to-school business, but most of the catalogers contacted by CATALOG AGE say they are pleased with their


| MCM staff

NEW LISTS SIMPLY JUNIPER More than 40,000 consumers have bought gifts and decorative items from the Simply Juniper catalog during the past 10 months.

Silver Winners: The Complete Listing

| MCM staff

BUSINESS CLOTHING Cintas, The Uniform Book, 2002 The table of contents spread, the index, and the color-coded tabs help readers find their way through

Excelligence learns profitability lesson

| MCM staff

Monterrey, CA-based Excelligence Learning (NASDAQSC: LRNS), which operates online cataloger and mails the print catalog Discount School

CATALOG AGE 100: Behind the Numbers

| Sherry Chiger

Catalogers had better hope that what goes down must come up. For 42 of the companies on this year’s Catalog Age 100, year-over-year direct sales declined.

The Third Annual I.Merchant Awards

| MCM staff

Given the aftermath of the dot-com crash, not to mention the punishing economic climate, some Web marketers might feel they deserve an award just for

Climate Control

| Jeff Siegel

Robert Angstadt remembers the old days. The faxes containing orders would stack up at the West Coast warehouse, waiting for a clerk to come in at 9 a.m.

paper jam

| Bennett Voyles

By now, we were all supposed to be beaming payments back and forth between our cell phones and smart cards. Purchases would be check-less and cash-less