| Melissa Dowling

The fact that gifts cataloger Lillian Vernon laid off 25% of its staff on Dec. 20 was a sure sign that this was not going to be a great season. It was,

Fulfilling Prophecies

| Curt Barry

You know it, we know it: These are tough times in the multichannel marketing industry on the front end and back end. And with many merchants now heading

Prime real estate

| Mark Del Franco

Boden, the British apparel cataloger, was nearing annual sales of $100 million in the United States. But it had to ship every order from its Leicester,

Merchandising 2.0

| Curt Barry

As much as we hear these days about Web 2.0, e-commerce isn’t the only facet of multichannel marketing to advance. The best retailers are taking their merchandising strategies to new and higher levels

Inside storage and inventory control

| Kate Vitasek

Distribution center storage and inventory control may not seem like the sexiest parts of a multichannel business. But unless you have the product in stock

Do You Have the Right Vehicles?

| Sam Flanders

As your operation grows, the type of powered vehicles that will work best for you may change. Growth often means increasing numbers of SKUs and larger on-hand quantities. If your company provides replacement consumables or spare parts, you may find a growing parts inventory that must be maintained and selected from.

When Testing, More Is More

| Ken Magill

Do you know how big your or button should be? How about what color? Should your online registration process involve more than one page? Right about now

Holiday 2007 Countdown

| MCM staff

No, we’re not suggesting that you break out the Christmas decorations and deck the halls just yet. But if the fourth quarter is your make-or-break season,

The best of inventory

| Curt Barry

Inventory management and forecasting are strategic issues. Companies that recognize this fact can typically provide higher levels of service to their