Fueling Global Growth With Clean Customer Data

| Greg Brown

Consider the issues caused by poor address data: Failed deliveries and marketing promotions sent via mail, creating hefty fees with no return on investment. While these issued are critical in their own right, the missed opportunities can cascade. Bad customer data can also negatively affect the customer relationship.

ecommerce fraud, ecommerce fraud prevention, EMV, card not present, CNP, card not present fraud

Address Verification a Colossal Problem for Cross-Border Merchants

| Tim Parry

Cross-border merchants need more information on which fraud mitigation solutions are best for cross-border transactions, according to LexisNexis Risk Solutions’ 2016 True Cost of Fraud Study. But ultimately, what LexisNexis wants merchants to go back to over and over is address verification. Here’s why.

6 Tips to Globalize Your Address Forms

| Henry Thomas

While most addresses around the world have commonly understood formats, there are some idiosyncrasies that could trip up even the savviest web developer. With Growing Global 2015 now just a few weeks away, we wanted to share some top considerations when dealing with international addresses.