marketing benchmarks actual bench feature

Setting Marketing Benchmarks in Emerging Channels

| Josephine Wong

As the media landscape evolves and new marketing formats enter the fray, tried-and-true methods of benchmarking may not be as reliable. No matter which new path you’re about to tread, deciding which marketing benchmarks to use and how best to measure them will be instrumental in ensuring successful campaigns.

CRM strategy chessboard feature

Setting Up Your CRM Strategy for Success

| Zack Botos

A multichannel approach to messaging allows you to grasp actions that are actually driving the purchaser to make a decision. This helps you determine which tactics, or perhaps a series of tactics, ultimately generated the sale. With all of that in mind, here’s a CRM strategy roadmap that can be tested, optimized and flexed.

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5 Metaverse Marketing Considerations for Brands

| Matt Kilmartin

Marketers are wondering what issues they should be considering as metaverse marketing becomes a must have. Five issues to keep top of mind: balancing branding and performance; campaign buying methodologies; developing new metrics; what customer data will look like; and how to build secure experiences.