Customer Service, customer service reps, social media, Twitter, Facebook, retail, Forrester, Conversocial, contact center, contact center agents

Solving Pain Points of Contact Center Forecasting

| Bob Webb

Anyone who has ever been responsible for ensuring that the right number of contact center agents are in their seats at the right time can tell you that producing an accurate schedule can be complex. If you are experiencing pain points in trying to produce an accurate forecast, you need a strategy that will help ensure you are maximizing available agents with call demand.

New Online Coupon Strategies

| Daniela Forte

With technology constantly changing, the way consumers find coupons online and the way they utilize creative ways to save money has changed too, according to this infographic by the Daily Infographic. The infographic shows how consumers can find coupons online through the use of email alerts, social media, mobile coupons and the use of live chat.

More Merchants Monitor Social Media than Offer Live Chat

| Tim Parry

More merchants are monitoring social media in the contact center than offering live chat, according to the results of the MCM Outlook 2013 survey. According to the survey results, 46.5% of respondents are monitoring social media in the contact center, while just 21% are using live chat technology.

Report: Merchants Need to Address Live Chat

| Jim Tierney

Merchants need to “move off the needle” to support live chat because it has reached a “tipping point” of adoption, according to Bold Chat’s 2012 Live Chat Effectiveness Research Report.