ecommerce conversion mobile

Mobile is the Channel of Choice for Customers This Holiday Season

| Daniela Forte

Mobile is the way customers are choosing to shop this holiday season. In fact, 59% of consumers use their mobile device most or all of the time compared to desktop, and almost half of them make purchases on them. Here are some more key stats about how mobile is playing a major role in purchases this holiday season.

The Rise of Mobile Apps in 2015

| Daniela Forte

Mobile apps are on the rise this year as consumers are spending increasingly more time on them than a year ago. Fifty percent of smartphone users have also made a purchase using a smartphone. See what other statistics are revealed in this infographic.

The Mobile First Era

| Daniela Forte

Today, mobile is growing three times the rate of overall ecommerce with consumers increasingly reaching for their smartphones instead of their computers. See what shopping habits consumers are adopting today.

Apple, Apple Pay, ecommerce, mobile payments, omnichannel, mobile wallet, Google Wallet, iOS 8.1, iOS, iPhone, iPhone 6

Black Friday Mobile Survey Unwraps Consumer Shopping Behaviors

| MCM Staff

Survey Analytics and Ipsos Loyalty conducted a mobile consumer shopping survey to capture customer experience in real-time on Black Friday. While survey findings show 64% of respondents were satisfied with their Black Friday shopping experience, too much holiday cheer left an overwhelmed 66% concerned about their safety while shopping for the best deals.

Online Shoppers Need to be Nudged

| Tim Parry

In this video taken at IRCE 2013, SeeWhy’s Charles Nicholls talks about how proper remarketing can nudge the customer, and remind her to complete the transaction.

What Can We Learn from eBay and Amazon’s Q4? Go Mobile

| Erin Lynch

When looking at some of the more successful fourth quarter performances inside marketplaces such as such as eBay and Amazon, it appears one of the sure fire ways to boost sales is through mobile. As an example, by attracting more customers using mobile gift guides and mobile-only deals, eBay was able to double its mobile sales in 2012. Maybe it’s time your ecommerce company started getting serious about mcommerce.