omnichannel fulfillment

Amazon Effect Still a Major Driver in DTC, Ecommerce Operations

| Mike O'Brien

The Amazon effect is still having a major impact on DTC and ecommerce operations and fulfillment, judging by the results of the MCM Outlook Survey 2016. This impact is seen in the increasing frequency of same-day and next-day delivery offerings – and providers – as well as the growth in omnichannel operations, now seen as table stakes by many retailers. Find out more about the survey results and how they reflect industry trends.

key performance indicators, KPIs, operations and fulfillment, warehouse/distribution Center, distribution center, direct-to-consumer, direct-to-consumer operations, performance metrics, employee productivity, employee coaching, manager training

13 Steps To Help You Plan An ERP System File Conversion

| Curt Barry

An ERP system file conversion “don’t get no respect,” as Rodney Dangerfield would say. Everyone knows they need to write programs and convert files. However, it’s not uncommon to leave off detailed discussion of which files and tables to convert, what data fields and how much data (this year’s only or how many years’ history) until the implementation. So to help, here are 13 steps to help you navigate the often tedious but critical process.

ecommerce delivery, customer experience, shipping and delivery experience, ecommerce fulfillment

The ABCs of Preventing Shipping Damage, Part II

| Will O'Shea

Having products damaged in transit can’t be avoided entirely, but it can certainly be reduced. In the second and final installment, learn some valuable tips that will lessen the potential of shipping damage, improve customer satisfaction and limit unnecessary product returns.

Week In Review: REI Says No to Black Friday

| MCM Staff

Instead of shopping on Black Friday, outdoor clothing and equipment retailer REI wants its customers to #OptOutside. Won’t REI lose a lot of money? Probably not, and here’s why. Also, here’s a look at the news, commentary and events that shaped the direct-to-customer world last week.