Mobile Will Represent More Than Half of Transactions in 2015

| Tim Parry

Additionally, as retailers make the looming switch to EMV payments systems, those systems also accept mobile capabilities such as Apple Pay, which will also contribute to increased mobile payments. Click for more 2015 cybercrime predictions from ThreatMetrix.

ecommerce fraud, ecommerce fraud prevention, EMV, card not present, CNP, card not present fraud

Consumer Concerns of Online Security Impact Smaller Businesses

| Matt Winn

With a majority of media attention has focused on mega-retailers like Target, small businesses are still looking to find ways to calm customer fears as they enter the biggest selling months of the year. See what small businesses are doing to keep their customers protected.

ecommerce fraud

Fraud Grows at Faster Pace for International Merchants

| Tim Parry

The percent of revenue lost to fraud is growing at a faster pace for U.S. merchants that sell across borders than those that just sell domestically, according to the findings of the 2014 LexisNexis True Cost of Fraud Study. Here’s how global merchants compare to their domestic.

Online Fraud Burdens Merchants

| Daniela Forte

Fraud is a scary thing and it is burdening merchants everyday with higher costs. According to this infographic by LexisNexis, for every $1 in fraud loss, merchants are paying $2.79. While fraud losses continue to grow, many ecommerce merchants believe fraud prevention is too expensive. It is these merchants that experience two times more in fraud losses.