Incents and Sensibility

| Mark Del Franco

Incentive programs have been a blessing for home decor and gifts merchant Home Interiors. Thanks to performance bonuses tied to improving inventory accuracy, the Carrollton, TX-based company was able to eliminate taking physical inventory each year.

USPS May Revise Slim-Jim Specs

| Jim Tierney

Catalogers considering switching to a slim-jim format to save on postage might want to put those plans on hold. The U.S. Postal Service will begin to test a variety of booklets, which by postal definition include slim-jims. The result could be revised specifications for such mail pieces.

Of Brownies and “Survivor”

| Mark Del Franco

The way to an audience’s heart is through its stomach. That may be why David Kravetz, cofounder of Phoenix-based Fairytale Brownies, emerged victorious from the popular session

Don’t Forget Yourself

| Jim Tompkins

When you are thinking about treating others as they would like to be treated, you should not forget about yourself. You also need to treat yourself the way you’d like to be treated. Here are some tips for making sure that you treat yourself well:

Questions for Choosing the Right Home-Agent Provider, Part Two

| Jeff Schmitt

The remote contact center model is predicated on furnishing highly skilled phone talent less expensively than staffing a brick-and-mortar contact center. In the first part of this two-part series, we looked at questions that companies selecting a home-agent provider must ask regarding recruiting, staffing, and data security. Here are additional questions to ask before selecting your outsourcing partner: