Is “Last Chance” a Powerful Sales Phrase?

| Tim Parry

Back in mid-October, I was surprised to see Halloween merchandise on sale at my neighborhood Walgreens. And I was kind of surprised over Black Friday weekend to see bright orange shelf tags on holiday merchandise.

IBM Predicts an Omnichannel Shopping World

| Tim Parry

In five years, new innovations will make buying local du jour once again, according to IBM’s 8th-annual IBM 5 in 5 list of innovations that have the potential to change the way people work, live and interact during the next five years. Here’s why IBM predicts the decline of ecommerce and the rebirth of the in-store shopping experience.

How Effective Promotions Affected Cyber Weekend Sales

| Tim Parry

Ecommerce sales grew considerably over the Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday weekend, and the channel itself took a bigger slice of the pie when compared to in-store revenues. In this video, Adobe Digital Index principal analyst Tamara Gaffney talks about some of the holiday sales trends to date.