3 Ways to Prepare for BOPIS Fraud This Holiday Season

| Erika Dietrich

As consumers have begun holiday shopping earlier than ever, merchants are expecting historical peak trends, and fraudsters will try to take advantage of this. To prepare for the uptick in BOPIS fraud this holiday season, consider enacting both short-term and long-term fraud mitigation strategies to protect yourself and your customers.

Don’t Be the Next Data Breach Headline This Holiday Season

| Chad McDonald

The holiday shopping season is practically upon us, which means savvy consumers are getting ready for the best sales of the year. Unfortunately, they’re not the only ones preparing to take advantage of the season. Learn about the serious threats posed by bad actors like Magecart groups, and what steps you can take now to be protected.

User Authentication Will Counter Post-EMV Online Fraud

| Brian Kelly

To combat online fraud post-EMV, the Electronic Funds Transfer Association (EFTA) is calling for more stringent user authentication and urging industry stakeholders to push for wider adoption. See what else the EFTA found in terms of fraud and chargeback frequency, and what the industry is doing in response.

ecommerce fraud

Identifying Fraud: Top Challenge for Remote Merchants

| Monica Eaton

Large multichannel, ecommerce and mcommerce merchants experience between 707 and 880 fraud attempts each month, and upwards of 60% of those attempts succeed. Here’s why merchants need to effectively dispute unjustified chargebacks, but also assess and change practices that may be contributing to errors or approval of unauthorized transactions.

EMV, card not present, CNP fraud, ecommerce fraud, ecommerce fraud prevention, chip-and-pin, chip and pin, ecommerce security, payment security

Fraud Is No Deterrent for Card-Not-Present (CNP) Shoppers

| Monica Eaton

The parallel rise of fraud and spending doesn’t seem to add up upon first glance. As fraud increases throughout mobile and electronic commerce, some would think that spending throughout these channels would begin to decline. However, this is not the case.