Rio 2016 – How to Win the Payment Olympics

| Oren Levy

Although the jury is still out as to whether the Summer Olympics in Brazil will serve as a vital lifeline or a costly folly, there is one aspect that inspires universal agreement: Olympic participants, hundreds of thousands of visiting fans, and even native Brazilians need to feel secure and comfortable when making purchases in a country well known for its credit card cloning activities. Here are several examples of how to win in the payment Olympics.

3 Ecommerce Trends for 2016

| Daniela Forte

More merchants will migrate to EMV bringing additional payment methods such as mobile and online form-factors in 2016. This infographic by Vantiv highlights three trends merchants will see this year.

Retail Payment Trends: What to Expect in 2016

| André Malinowski

The payments landscape is changing fast –and much of this fast-paced change is being driven by today’s digitally empowered consumers, whose expectations have been transformed by the smartphone and the services these supply. Which means that more than ever before, consumers expect payments to be fast, convenient and hassle-free.

Adopting New Payment Technology For Your Business

| Alon Feit

Over the last several years, the introduction of new payment solutions has risen dramatically, yet consumers are ultimately reliant on retailers actually implementing these new solutions at the point of sale to enjoy the benefits these technologies provide.

ecommerce fraud, ecommerce fraud prevention, EMV, card not present, CNP, card not present fraud

2016: The Year of Consumer-Centric Fraud Prevention

| Bill Zielke

It’s been a busy year for e-commerce. The convenience and choice available with online shopping continues to win more buyers, and this year for the first time the National Retail Federation reported that on Thanksgiving weekend, more people shopped online than in stores.

6 Facts to Consider in Ecommerce

| Daniela Forte

There are several facts retailers will want to consider when it comes to ecommerce. Just some of those facts include: payment, customer experience and functionality, according to an infographic by ecomextension.