Ken Magill

This time it’s personal

| Ken Magill

Like one-to-one print marketing, true one-to-one e-commerce a Web experience personalized by the merchant for each customer and prospect has turned out

Supersize ‘Em

| Ken Magill

A multichannel merchant’s average order value online tends to be smaller than its offline average order. Among participants in Multichannel Merchant’s

Beyond Cyber Monday: Super Tuesday

| Ken Magill

If history is any indication, online holiday shopping activity will peak tomorrow, Dec. 13 between noon and 1 p.m. EST, according to online security certification company HackerSafe.

Building a Better SHOPPING CART

| Ken Magill

Shopping-cart abandonment is as old as e-commerce itself. Web merchants have battled the problem largely by redesigning their forms or by streamlining