eBay: 79% of Global Shoppers Prefer PayPal

| Tim Parry

PayPal’s global business generated $986 million in revenue in the second quarter, and international revenue grew at a rate of 19% year over year. Here’s a look at what’s sparked the 11th consecutive quarter of global growth for PayPal.

Amazon and Flipkart Increase Investments in India

| Tim Parry

Amazon and Flipkart announced this week that they will separately invest U.S. $3 billion to support rapid marketplace growth in India. See why they – and the U.S. Government – believe India is the hotbed for economic growth.

How the Retail Industry Uses Shoppers’ Data

| Tim Parry

Based on a recent Alteryx and RetailWire survey of nearly 350 retailers and brand manufacturers, this infographic illustrates the top three ways progressive retailers are using shopper insights to drive marketing and merchandising decisions, and more.