Mobile Barcode Scanning is a Win-Win
Let’s take a look at some examples of how mobile barcode scanning can help make consumers’ lives easier while increasing retailers’ bottom lines.
Let’s take a look at some examples of how mobile barcode scanning can help make consumers’ lives easier while increasing retailers’ bottom lines.
The White House is up in arms over the David Ortiz selfie. Something about President Barack Obama’s image not permitted for use in a commercial campaign. But what’s good for Samsung’s PR department is, hopefully, good for Multichannel Merchant’s SEO.
The recent Target data breach, together with a series of other events in recent years, have moved Europay, MasterCard, Visa (EMV) adoption in the U.S. from a possibility to a near reality.
Mobile usage among consumers has grown in recent months, this infographic by Usablenet, demonstrates how much mobile internet usage is changing the landscape of how consumers are interacting with brands on the web.
With smartphone penetration in the US at a little above 61%, and a third of all Americans using tablets one thing is clear: the trend for ecommerce success is its all about mobile.
To keep up with consumers’ expectations and compete with the biggest online brands, it’s more important than ever for merchants to master two key principles: giving consumers what they want, where they want it.
According to the State of Retailing Online 2014 survey, 53% of merchants marked mobile efforts as a top priority, identifying responsive design, mobile site optimization, and tablet redesign among key focus areas.
Strange but true fact: The Mobile Marketing Association says more people own a smartphone than a toothbrush. With that in mind, there are more opportunities, obviously, to market to a consumer on their smartphone than on their toothbrush.
As shoppers enter an American Eagle Outfitters store, shopBeacon will welcome and show them location-specific rewards, deals, discounts and product recommendations – without them even having to remember to open the app.
Retailers intuitively know mobile is a game changer, but they don’t always understand best practices or how to implement them. Here are three actions retailers can take to win the mobile consumer beyond the holiday season.