consumer spending wallet + bucks feature

Retailers Struggle to Read Consumer Signals for Q4

| Mike O'Brien

Retailers are looking at a major balancing act heading into the holiday season this year, with consumer signals and economic indicators a mixed bag and absolute boatloads of excess inventory, much of it old, to contend with in order to make Q4 a success.

Walmart grocery interior feature

Walmart Sees Strong Q2 Results, With Inflation a Driver

| Mike O'Brien

Walmart reported 12% second-quarter ecommerce growth, up 18% vs. 2020, as it gained market share in grocery and passed 1 million deliveries for its GoLocal service that provides last-mile service for other retailers including Home Depot, with inflation helping attract more upscale shoppers. The result was better than at rival Target.

Amazon Roomba feature

Amazon, iRobot and the Smart Home Data Play

| Mike O'Brien

Amazon has purchased iRobot, naturally raising some privacy concerns about the use of consumer data in combination from Roomba, Alexa and Ring devices. It also fits in nicely with Amazon’s bigger ambition to own the smart home market. Jason Boyce, founder and CEO of Avenue7Media, discusses this as well as antitrust concerns.

alt-commerce livestream shopping feature

Facebook Shutting Down Livestream Shopping Oct. 1

| Mike O'Brien

Facebook is shutting down its livestream shopping venture two years in, putting its efforts behind the popular Reels short-form video platform as livestream shopping has yet to catch on here in a big way as in China, and retailers, brands and platforms need to rethink their approach. Experts weigh in on what they need to do.

Avalara logo feature

Avalara Being Acquired by Vista Equity Partners for $8.4B

| Mike O'Brien

Avalara, a provider of tax compliance automation software, is being acquired and taken private by global investment firm Vista Equity Partners for $8.4 billion, a generous 27% premium over the July 6 closing price as demand grows worldwide from retailers needing to sort out complex tax issues.

vendor payments illustration feature

Automating Supplier Payments Adds Value

| Matt Friend

Even when retailers want to pay suppliers quickly, the inefficiencies of manual accounts payable (AP) and payment processes can get in their way. This involves printing checks, chasing down signatures and mailing. To address these issues, many retailers are using software to automate and optimize services to support those efforts.

Amazon UK logo feature

Amazon Raising the Cost of Prime Up to 43% in Europe

| Mike O'Brien

Nearly six months after doing so in the U.S., Amazon is increasing the cost of Prime in the UK and Western Europe by up to 43%, as it too battles inflationary pressures and higher operating costs. German Prime members will see a 30% increase, with a 20% bump in the UK; Spain, Italy and France will see annual increases between 39%-43%.

Walmart sign

Walmart Lowers Guidance, Sends Shockwaves

| Mike O'Brien

Walmart like Target lowered its quarterly and year-end guidance, citing the continuing drag of overstocked inventory and shoppers focusing on lower-margin essentials and less on general merchandise. The scenario is causing a negative effect on pricing and profit, causing a hit to its stock and others in retail.

ecommerce fulfillment center

Is Your Ecommerce Fulfillment Center Ready for a Recession?

| Brian Barry

Building operational resilience and developing problem/solution scenarios for your ecommerce fulfillment center prior to a recession will allow you to be nimbler. Have a plan vs. just hoping it doesn’t occur; hope is not a strategy. Include department heads early, identify areas to review and develop a course of action.

back-to-school mom + kids

Consumers Scrimp for Back-to-School Expenses

| Mike O'Brien

More than a third of U.S. consumers said they plan to cut back on other spending in order to be able to shop for back-to-school items due to ongoing inflation concerns, according to the annual survey from Prosper Insights & Analytics commissioned by the National Retail Federation. More than half had started shopping as of early July.